
SARMs Cardarine (GW-501516) 8 Week Supply

Increased endurance.

GW-1516 has been banned for professional use due to the advantage it provides to endurance athletes.

It takes effect very quickly and the results can be staggering.

The second common use for GW-1516 is that of fat loss. Many users turn to GW-1516 as it has shown to melt off fat while still being non-catabolic proving to still hold on to muscle while losing fat.

Lab Trials

In rats, binding of GW-501516 to PPARδ recruits the coactivator PGC­1a. The PPARδ/coactivator complex in turn up regulates the expression of proteins involved in energy expenditure. Furthermore, in rats treated with GW-501516, increased fatty acid metabolism in skeletal muscle and protection against diet­induced obesity and type II diabetes was observed. In obese rhesus monkeys, GW-501516 increased high­density lipoprotein (HDL) and lowered very­low­density lipoprotein (VLDL). The mechanism by which PPARδ agonists increase HDL appears to be a result of increased expression of the cholesterol transporter ABCA1.


GW-1516 regulates fat burning through a number of mechanisms. GW-1516 increases glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tissue and increases muscle gene expression, especially genes involved in preferential lipid utilization. This shift changes the body’s metabolism to favor burning fat for energy instead of carbohydrates or muscle protein, potentially allowing fat loss effectively without experiencing muscle catabolism or the effects and satiety issues associated with low blood sugar. GW-1516 significantly increases endurance which improved glucose tolerance and reduced fat mass accumulation even in mice fed a very high fat diet, suggesting that GW-1516 may have a protective effect against obesity.

Uses For GW-1516

The first and most common use is that of increased endurance. GW-1516 has been banned for professional use due to the advantage it provides to endurance athletes. Those wanting a dramatic increase in endurance levels will find that GW-1516 delivers. It takes effect very quickly and the results can be staggering.

The second common use for GW-1516 is that of fat loss. Many users turn to GW-1516 as it has shown to melt off fat while still being non­catabolic proving to still hold on to muscle while losing fat.


10mg per day for up to 8 weeks has been shown to be most effective on endurance and fat burning. GW-1516 is stored at room temperature, in a cool dark place, typically a cupboard. GW-1516 works best when combined with moderate to heavy daily aerobic exercise. Regular training will bring faster and better results with this compound.

Half-life and detection times.

The half-life is around 24 hours, so once a day dosing is perfectly fine. Some users like to take it about 3 hours before their exercise.

Detection times are unknown but the consensus seems to be around 3-4 weeks. Cheating, however, is wrong. So, if you are a tested athlete I do not endorse using Cardarine (GW 501516). Because it is unfair to your peers who aren’t using it.


In general, bodybuilders use Cardarine to achieve two goals: bulking (or improving muscle gains) and cutting (losing fat to show off muscle mass). How does it achieve that?

Contrary to popular belief, Cardarine is not a SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator) like Ligandrol or Stenabolic. It is a PPAR (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor). While the two types of drugs work in similar ways, PPARs don’t bind to androgen receptors and have no anabolic activity. This is actually a good thing. It won’t affect your testosterone production, and while it increases endurance it is not considered a stimulant – you won’t have trouble falling asleep, and you won’t have that anxious or jittery feeling.

GW 501516 works by targeting the androgen receptors that stimulates glucose in the muscles, then blocks the formation of fatty acid chains. So instead of using glucose for energy, your body uses fat. It’s the same effect you would get if your body from extreme intermittent fasting.

Cardarine also enables your body to efficiently use oxygen stores in the muscle, improving your endurance and performance. In one study, mice who were given this drug were able to run twice as long and fast. There have been no studies on humans, but there are anecdotal evidence and testimonials. The bodybuilding and Crossfit community often talk about how they are able to train for longer periods, with just short rest periods in between. In particular, weightlifters say that they can do more sets with higher reps and still maintain slow, steady and deliberate form.

Others say that Cardarine also improved their overall recovery time (likely because of the drug’s ability to activate the fast twitch muscle fibers, which improve muscle repair).


Aside from improving endurance and performance, Cardarine also provides several other health benefits.

First of all, it controls atherosclerosis, or the build-up of plaque in the arteries – one of the biggest factors in heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke. In several clinical studies, rats who took GW 501516 had higher levels of good (HDL) cholesterol and lower levels of bad cholesterol. Remember, Cardarine was first marketed as an anti-cholesterol drug, so this is a clearly proven benefit.

Second of all, since Cardarine prompts the body to use fat instead of glucose for energy, it can help prevent or control Type 2 Diabetes and obesity.

Third of all, Cardarine can help minimize damage to the liver. Since the body’ blood sugar levels are lower, Cardarine protects this vital organ from the bad effects of a diet with high levels of fructose and other sugars. One study on mice found that it actually improved non-alcoholic liver disorders. However, researchers say that very controlled short-term use of Cardarine proves to have the best effect on the liver.

A fourth possible benefit is lower risk for kidney disease. While research on this area is still in its early stages, there are signs that it can lower MCP-1 expression, which is one of the factors in the development of this dreaded condition.


In 2007, Glaxo Smith Kline stopped all research on the drug after tests on rats found that it increases cell death and the growth of cancerous cells in those that already had liver disease and cancer. There were also indications that long-term use of the drug could affect placental and fetal development.

While these findings were all done on rats, who were exposed to extreme levels of the drugs (far above the doses that people take today), the pharmaceutical decided to abandon developing it as a maintenance medicine. It was more of a precaution, and a decision by the company to avoid any possible backlash.

However, advocates for Cardarine supplements say that there are no signs that the drug can damage organs or hasten cancer at low doses. What the research does imply is that women may need to rethink using this supplement, and definitely should not be taking it if they are trying for a baby, pregnant, or breastfeeding. if you are worried because cancer runs in your family (or any special concerns because of your unique health history) talk about using Cardarine with your doctor.

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